Show me your home and I’ll tell you who you are. Your home tells the story of your life.

Lasting transformation occurs from the inside-out. It is important to do the inner mindset work to align with your authentic self through positive affirmations, clarity of vision and conscious intentions. The inner work gets translated to the outer world as things and relationships that we experience. Your external space becomes a mirror that reflects your life. Hence any changes made to your home will affect your life. Everything in your home is a symbolic representation of your intentions. Hence if your home is arranged to match your intentions, it becomes easier to create change in life and stay motivated.

What's Included

There are two ancient powerful systems that apply certain principles to create positive energy flow in your home that can bring good luck, harmony and balance in your life.

Feng Shui

The Chinese system is based on the principle that everything is energy (Chi) and your home reflects your life. An energy map of a space called Bagua is used to discern which areas of your home are impacting which aspect of your life. Then depending on the intention you have set, adjustments are made to the respective areas to bring about the desired change in life. This system uses the symbolic representation of the five element of nature to bring about balance in life.

Vastu Shastra

The ancient Indian system is based on the principle that aligning your home energetically with the higher forces of nature and natural rhythms of the earth, will allow free flow of positive energy (Prana) that in turn brings balance and harmony in life. An energy map called vastu mandala is superimposed on your home to determine which areas affect which aspect of your life. The cardinal directions and the five elements are used to set up the home so that it supports your best life.

Using your personal spaces (home/office) as a tool to support your deepest positive desires, can be a very powerful way to design and manifest an abundant and joyful life.

It can be very challenging to transform into the best version of yourself if the environment around you is reflecting your old beliefs and patterns.

If you are struggling to stay on track, hold a clear vision or stay motivated, I believe that applying the principles of these ancient systems to your home can dramatically improve your chances of making your dreams a reality.

I have been a Feng Shui practitioner for over ten years now and a Vastu Shastra consultant for more than five years. Contact me today to learn more.

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