compass, newspaper, finance

Where to look?

Thinking about it, the universe has all the resources for all our physical needs. To satisfy our need for hunger, food is available in nature. To satisfy our thirst, water is available. All the resources are available for us to build anything for our need of survival, safety and enjoyment. Knowing this fact very well does not bring peace or happiness to us. We are still seeking to be happy and fulfilled. Either we are seeking the wrong thing or we are looking in the wrong place. There must be some reason we are all seeking the same thing…….happiness, joy, peace, or fulfillment. The scriptures and the wise say that we are spiritual beings living physical experiences and not physical bodies that occasionally have spiritual experiences. So if our true nature is of spirit, what are our real needs? The spirit or soul or higher self does not require food, air, water etc. to survive and that is why we are not really fulfilled with them. Since we are the higher-self functioning through the equipment of body, mind and intellect, we instinctively want happiness which is the characteristics of spirit. Unfortunately however, happiness is not an object that can be acquired from the external world hence cannot be found outside. It is a feeling. We already have it in the inner world. Meaning we are looking in the wrong place for what we really want. Happiness, joy, love and bliss are already there as the very nature of our being and life then becomes just an expression of these divine qualities. We are all essentially looking to align with our true/authentic self. That is what will give us fulfillment and that is an inside job. The outside world cannot give us that alignment because the outside world is only a reflection of our inner world.

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