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Reasons for Not Achieving Desired Results

All of us have one or more goals in our lives. They vary from one individual to the other of course since we all have different lives and things we desire or value. Earning money, losing weight, getting a contract, getting back with ex boyfriend are some common goals set by people in their daily lives. Some people achieve their targets easily while others do not achieve their goals even if they try for many years. There may be a number of reasons for not achieving the desired results. Listed below are some reasons as to why people do not get success.

Procrastinating is one of the major reasons on why people do not achieve the desired goals. It often happens that you dream of something, but never set into action to achieve your dreams. Alternatively, even if you write out a plan, you may constantly push it back day after day giving some excuses. Sometimes it is that “life is too busy” or “I don’t have any money” or “I don’t know where to start” … For others, starting is not the issue, but rather following through and finishing. Others are seeking perfection in their process so get caught up “trying to get it perfect” before they start, and when they finally do start the action, it is too late. Procrastination and perfection can really get in the way of you achieving your dreams forever.

You do not achieve the goals set, quite simply because you do not have the right plan for YOU. Even though the plan you have may seem perfect to you, in reality, it is not. This is because when you write out the plan, you often do so from the plan point of view not from the goal point of view. We often do not think of what is going to happen when we reach the goal. Most plans tend to be one-sided and myopic in focus. Therefore, when you work on this plan and move ahead, you are constantly forced to update your plan as your progress towards your goal.

You spend most of your time thinking about the problem and fearing the problem. Instead of spending this time wondering about or working out a solution to the problem. Seek the help of others, if needed. However, do not let others pacify you in this time rather seek solutions from them.

When the slightest of things do not work in your favor, you muddle everything. This kind of clouded judgement leads to complicated situations and do no good. Decisions made from negative circumstances rather than your goals tend to be the wrong ones. This is usually because they are motivated by the current circumstances rather than the desired circumstances. Therefore, be calm during these times, only then things will start working in your favor again. Make decisions based on where you want to be rather than where you are.

Do not lower your desired goals or expected outcomes for something less deserving. Once you do that, you tend to divert from your original goal and make flawed decisions that won’t get you further ahead in life. You start feeling that you are not capable of achieving any higher dreams. You settle for less than you deserve and accept that as your reality.

A majority of people make these mistakes and do not achieve the results they desire. Therefore, do everything keeping a calm and optimistic mindset. Accept that adversity is part of the process and that it should not change what your goal is, only how you get there.

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